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Holtek Semiconductor Inc.
Coretronic MEMS Corporation
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc.
Giantec Semiconductor Corporation
EON Silicon Solution Inc.
Aristotle Enterprises Inc.
LOCOSYS Technology Inc.
Chiplus Semiconductor Corporation

T-BEAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD is one of the Taiwanese semiconductor components distributor. The T-BEAR focus on total solution at different...

We can be reached via the
following ways:

Telephone: 886-2-2918-1657
Fax: 886-2-2918-1192

●   Quality standard of T-Bear :
T-Bear has passed the international quality standard ISO9001.
The internal organization, filing system, execution and maintain are follow up the ISO9001.

●   The Quality policy of T-Bear:
To chase High quality service sustainability.
Build up the Win-Win platform between Customers and company.

T-BEAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD ©All rights reserved.